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Today's Tarot for Will Smith

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The Creative Process spread is designed specifically to peer into the nature of a project or creative undertaking, and shine a spotlight on the evolution of its parts. The William Blake Tarot explores the mystical vision and artistry of the renowned English painter and poet. Through rich interpretations focused on creative undertakings, it has long been the deck of choice for artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers. For more information about this deck, or to buy your own personal copy, go to www.blaketarot.com.
Click for Details The card in the middle represents the creative force behind the project, be it a person, organization, or other entity. Five of Poetry (Strife), when reversed: Personal illumination amidst conflict. Defeating inner demons and freeing oneself from disillusionment. Refusing to be drawn into competition, arguments, and power struggles. A time to question authority. In the creative process: This points to a stressful time battling inner doubts and outer difficulties; you can improve your project or product by getting to the truth of the matter.
Click for Details The card on the top represents imagination - the prophetic image that stems from the creative force of the previous card to initiate the project. This is the poetry or voice of the undertaking. Three of Poetry (Creativity), when reversed: Seeking a creative opportunity in a commercial environment. Imaginative approaches are squandered in mundane circumstances. Seeking Truth where only Fact can be found. In the creative process: You get the go-ahead to "do your thing"; your project has special blessing at this time because of your ability to see an overview or get the big picture.
Click for Details The card on the left represents emotion - the feelings aroused by or surrounding the ideation of the project that takes place in the previous card. This is the music or scent of the undertaking. Four of Painting (Means): Material prosperity and contentment. Creative achievements using material resources. Consolidation of personnel and materials. Bringing about order and structure. Emphasis on controlling, dominating, or monopolizing. Protecting and maintaining. In the creative process: Before reaching out for creative inspiration, prepare the groundwork: by appropriately allocating your resources and assigning creative tasks.
Click for Details The card on the bottom represents thought - the analytical process of organizing the project and capturing the emotional content of the previous card. This is the science or vision of the undertaking. Union: The successful coming-together of something vitally important to you. Getting your act together at last. The joining of male and female forces, or unification or inner and outer life. Not holding anything back. Being at the center. Completion. Spiritual self-sacrifice.
Click for Details The card on the right represents manifestation - the real work involved in completing the project, and the form it will take upon culmination. This is the painting or touch of the undertaking. Three of Painting (Practice), when reversed: Failure to master your skills and talents. Lack of engagement with your peers. Unwillingness to synthesize the available factors. Failure to build support. In the creative process: Experimentation and manipulation are the keys to acquiring the experience needed to get the job done.