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Today's Tarot for Jessica Simpson

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The Hagall spread is a tool for revealing the path of spiritual growth in difficult situations. It is a favorite of mystics and those confronting a major life challenge. The Renaissance Tarot is a modern deck, with symbolism drawn from the heroic age and rendered in renaissance style. This deck is an excellent choice for exploring questions of passion, mastery, and the inner workings of human reason. If you would like your own copy of the Renaissance Tarot, you can buy it now!
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle of the circle represents the core or central issue of the situation. The Magician: Mastery of words and of matter. Eloquence, including eloquent silence and Hermetic wisdom. Mediator, messenger, and communicator. The Magician may be a sage or just a quick talker. He is a master-manipulator of the material world, but the miracles he effects may be true physical and metaphysical transformation of mere illusion and technical tricks. With Hermes, one never knows; he is the god of orators and liars, merchants and thieves, trickery and arcane science.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom of the circle represents something you did to bring the situation about. Page of Staves, when reversed: An unstable, indecisive and perhaps malicious person. A heartbreaker, gossiper, or bringer of bad news.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom left of the circle represents your beliefs, impressions, or expectations. Knight of Cups, when reversed: Fraudulent emotion. A charming, but irresponsible person.
Click for DetailsThe card at the bottom right of the circle represents the most likely outcome of the situation given present circumstances. Eight of Staves (Swiftness), when reversed: Bewilderment. Awe. Temporary immobility.
Click for DetailsThe card at the upper left of the circle represents the spiritual history of the situation the things you've learned. The Hermit: Introspection. Retreat. Pilgrimage. Spiritual quest. The search in oneself and in the world for the "Honest Man" of Diogenes the philosopher. Meditation on the passage of time and the dissolution of matter.
Click for DetailsThe card at the top of the circle represents the spiritual tasks and challenges of the present situation. The Devil, when reversed: Irresponsible pleasures. Prankishness. Childish panic. Undignified behavior. Fare baccano, to "paint the town."
Click for DetailsThe card at the upper right of the circle represents the metamorphosis of the spiritual situation, and how your knowledge will evolve. Two of Coins (Change): Unusual turn of events. Unexpected difficulties. Untried emotions. Uncharacteristic behavior.
Click for DetailsThe card at the left of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will sustain your spiritual journey. The Hanged Man, when reversed: Masochism. Self-imposed confinement. Potential release from bondage.
Click for DetailsThe card in the middle of the lower line represents the qualities that you express in this circumstance. Seven of Swords (Futility): Favorable turn of events. Hope for sustained success. Vigilance and strength.
Click for DetailsThe card at the right of the lower line represents the person or qualities that will reveal spiritual knowledge. The High Priestess: The abstract, spiritual and intellectual face of the anima, which is the feminine nature of the soul. Primordial feminine wisdom. The cyclic and balancing forces of nature. The ancient underground tradition of healing arts, magic, and spiritual mystery.