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Today's Stichomancy for Sidney Poitier

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from De Profundis by Oscar Wilde:

reproduced], that when he thought of the lilies of the field and how they neither toil nor spin, his absolute expression was [Greek text which cannot be reproduced], and that his last word when he cried out 'my life has been completed, has reached its fulfilment, has been perfected,' was exactly as St. John tells us it was: [Greek text which cannot be reproduced] - no more.

While in reading the Gospels - particularly that of St. John himself, or whatever early Gnostic took his name and mantle - I see the continual assertion of the imagination as the basis of all spiritual and material life, I see also that to Christ imagination was simply a form of love, and that to him love was lord in the