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Today's Stichomancy for Philip K. Dick

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Emma McChesney & Co. by Edna Ferber:

into his pockets.

"That's why I'm glad they know--if they really do know. I'm no actor. I'm a skirt-and-lingerie manufacturer. For the last six weeks, instead of being allowed to look at you with the expression that a man naturally wears when he's looking at the woman he's going to marry, what have I had to do? Glare, that's what! Scowl! Act like a captain of finance when I've felt like a Romeo! I've had to be dry, terse, businesslike, when I was bursting with adjectives that had nothing to do with business. You've avoided my office as you would a small-pox camp. You've greeted me with a what-can-I-do-for-you air when I've dared to

Emma McChesney & Co.