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Today's Stichomancy for Neil Gaiman

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from The Contrast by Royall Tyler:

mummers, whom you call actors, murder comedy and make a farce of tragedy.


Do you never attend the theatre, Sir?


I was tortured there once.

CHARLOTTE Pray, Mr. Dimple, was it a tragedy or a comedy?


Faith, Madam, I cannot tell; for I sat with my back to the stage all the time, admiring a much better

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Confessio Amantis by John Gower:

And in his herte such plesance He tok, whan he this Maide sih, That al his herte aros on hih, For he so sodeinliche unwar Behield the beaute that sche bar. And caste anon withinne his herte That sche him schal no weie asterte, 6170 Bot if he take in avantage Fro thilke maide som pilage, Noght of the broches ne the Ringes, Bot of some othre smale thinges

Confessio Amantis
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Apology by Plato:

never says a word about them. Nor is he paid for giving instruction--that is another mistaken notion:--he has nothing to teach. But he commends Evenus for teaching virtue at such a 'moderate' rate as five minae. Something of the 'accustomed irony,' which may perhaps be expected to sleep in the ear of the multitude, is lurking here.

He then goes on to explain the reason why he is in such an evil name. That had arisen out of a peculiar mission which he had taken upon himself. The enthusiastic Chaerephon (probably in anticipation of the answer which he received) had gone to Delphi and asked the oracle if there was any man wiser than Socrates; and the answer was, that there was no man wiser. What could be the meaning of this--that he who knew nothing, and knew that he