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Today's Stichomancy for Joan of Arc

The first excerpt represents the past or something you must release, and is drawn from Sarrasine by Honore de Balzac:

"Perhaps you will call me mad, but I cannot help thinking that my neighbor, the gentleman in black who just walked away, was the cause of my feeling cold."

Ere long the exaggeration to which people in society are naturally inclined, produced a large and growing crop of the most amusing ideas, the most curious expressions, the most absurd fables concerning this mysterious individual. Without being precisely a vampire, a ghoul, a fictitious man, a sort of Faust or Robin des Bois, he partook of the nature of all these anthropomorphic conceptions, according to those persons who were addicted to the fantastic. Occasionally some German would take for realities these ingenious jests of Parisian evil-

The second excerpt represents the present or the deciding factor of the moment, and is drawn from Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell:

to offer?"

Well, she had come to it at last. Now for it! She drew a deep breath and met his eyes squarely, all coquetry and airs gone as her spirit rushed out to grapple that which she feared most.

"I--I have myself."


Her jaw line tightened to squareness and her eyes went emerald.

"You remember that night on Aunt Pitty's porch, during the siege? You said--you said then that you wanted me."

He leaned back carelessly in his chair and looked into her tense face and his own dark face was inscrutable. Something flickered

Gone With the Wind
The third excerpt represents the future or something you must embrace, and is drawn from Desert Gold by Zane Grey:

XII. The Crater of Hell XIII. Changes at Forlorn River XIV. A Lost Son XV. Bound In The Desert XVI. Mountain Sheep XVII. The Whistle of a Horse XVIII. Reality Against Dreams XIX. The Secret of Forlorn River XX. Desert Gold



Desert Gold