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Today's Stichomancy for Ashlee Simpson

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Emma McChesney & Co. by Edna Ferber:

why and how you love me."

And Emma McChesney told him.

When, at last, he was leaving,

"Don't you think," asked Emma McChesney, her hands on his shoulders, "that you overdid the fascination thing just the least leetle bit there on the road?"

"Well, but you told me to entertain them, didn't you?"

"Yes," reluctantly; "but I didn't tell you to consecrate your life to 'em. The ordinary fat, middle-aged, every-day traveling man will never be able to sell Featherlooms in the Middle West again. They won't have 'em. They'll never be satisfied with

Emma McChesney & Co.