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Today's Stichomancy for Adam Sandler

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Whirligigs by O. Henry:

fine shtories of ould County Tyrone. 'Tis a greedy gos- soon, it is, yer riverence, for me shtories."

"Small the doubt," said Father Rogan. "There's no rocking would put him to slape the quicker, I'm thinking."

Amid the woman's shrill protest against the retort, the two men ascended the steep stairway. The priest pushed open the door of a room near its top.

"Is that you already, sister?" drawled a sweet, childish voice from the darkness.

"It's only ould Father Denny come to see ye, darlin'; and a foine gentleman I've brought to make ye a gr-r-and